return to A

dadalab parking lot

improvisational experimental music “as long as you return to a”

On february 1, 2021 fifteen of Austin’s finest experimental musicians gathered in the parking lot of dadaLAb to perform an improvisational music event, featuring:

laceymylewis - Lacey Lewis

pegocats - Peggy Ghorbani

juliaaustin512 - Julia Austin

lazcatx - Lee Ann Cameron

lisaca99 - Lisa Cameron

psychicseatbelt - Claire Hamilton

lymannamyl -Lyman Hardy

thorharris - Thor Harris

jonathanfhorne - Jonathan Horne

craigsross - Craig Ross

Original sonic concept by Thor Harris.

Return to A was a free event on a gorgeous Austin day.

Event Sponsors:

dadaLab is an immersive art studio based in Austin, TX. We are a connected team of artists, musicians, technologists, and performers. We work with a range of media including light, projection, sculpture, spatial sound, and performance. dadaLab’s core directors Barna Kantor and Kyle Evans developed the organization as an evolution of their ongoing projects dadageek and Rolling Ryot.


WOLFGANG HOWL PARADE (2021) east austin


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